In Chirgaon (Jhansi), police have taken action against two individuals for disturbing the peace. The incident occurred when Israr, a resident of Karadyanpura, got into a heated argument with Shabana, a fellow resident. The situation escalated when Ballu alias Shyam Bihari, a resident of Main Road, along with his brother Uttam and Uttam’s wife, forcibly entered Israr’s house. They allegedly engaged in physical assault and abusive behavior.
The local police intervened, and those responsible for the disturbance were taken into custody and presented before the court. The authorities charged them under the Breach of Peace act.
Key Highlights:
- Incident involved Israr of Karadyanpura and Ballu alias Shyam Bihari from Main Road
- Police action taken due to physical assault and disturbance
- Case of breach of peace presented in court