In Jhansi, a disturbing case of blackmail has come to light where Hemant Nagariya, a resident of Nagarriya Colony, filed a report at Nawabad police station. On October 20, around 3 PM, a group of individuals—identified as Sonali, Pushpendra Sharma, Hemant Hayrana, and Ravi Prakash—allegedly came to Hemant’s house and demanded ₹3 lakhs. They threatened him with filing a false rape case against him involving Sonali if the money wasn’t paid.
The extortionists warned Hemant that failure to provide the money would result in his imprisonment on fabricated charges. When Hemant refused to pay, they began verbally abusing him. Sonali, following Pushpendra’s directions, started shouting and creating a scene, accusing Hemant falsely.
The police have registered a case against the accused under multiple charges related to extortion and intimidation.
Keywords highlighted:
A blackmail case has emerged in Jhansi where the victim was threatened with a false rape allegation.The incident is part of an ongoing extortion case, with demands for a large sum of money.The accused were threatening for money, using the possibility of false legal charges to pressure the victim.This legal case in Jhansi highlights the growing misuse of legal threats for financial gain.The victim also faced verbal abuse when refusing to comply with the extortionists’ demands.