In a major crackdown on illicit liquor, Jhansi police conducted a raid on Sunday in the Chirgaon area. Led by Station House Officer (SHO) Tulsiram Pandey, Excise Inspector Manoj Kumar Srivastava, and Ashok Ram, the police, along with their team, carried out raids near BKD Chauraha, GIC School, Suti Mill, and nearby villages like Aopara, Barel, and Santri Dera.
During the operation, they seized 215 liters of illegal raw liquor and destroyed around 1,400 kilograms of illegally fermented material used to make the liquor on the spot. One suspect was arrested during the raid, and two cases were registered under the Excise Act.
Additionally, the team inspected other areas for over-rating and illegal sale of unlicensed alcohol. They also conducted checks at liquor stores, restaurants, and roadside eateries to prevent any illicit trade of liquor and beer.
Key Highlights:
- Crackdown on illicit liquor.
- Police raid led by SHO Tulsiram Pandey, Excise Inspector Manoj Kumar Srivastava, and Ashok Ram.
- 215 liters of illegal raw liquor seized.
- Destruction of 1,400 kilograms of illegal fermented material.
- One arrest, and two cases registered under the Excise Act.
- Inspection of liquor shops, restaurants, and roadside eateries to prevent illegal liquor and beer sales.